Selling Your Screenplay

Free Screenplay Analysis

Free Guide: Sell Your Screenplay In 5 Weeks

Free Online Class: Choosing A Marketable Concept

Free Guide: The Most Common Mistakes Screenwriters Make

Free Email Fax Blast To Producers

Hello fellow screenwriter;

I want to introduce myself. My name is Ashley Scott Meyers. I am a screenwriter ( and blogger/podcaster over at

I'm going to be running a free webinar called, How To Effectively Market Your Screenplay And Sell It! I'm hoping you might like to join me. Again, it's completely free.

Every screenplay that I've optioned and sold I've done myself. No agents. No managers. I've networked, sent query letters, tried nearly every online screenwriting service like InkTip and The Black List, entered screenwriting contests, made cold calls to production companies, produced my own independent film, and probably a hundred other things, too. Some things have worked well while others haven't yielded any real results.

In this free webinar I'm going to be going through each and every potential marketing channel that's available to a screenwriter and tell you which ones actually work. And if they do work, how to best leverage them for maximum results.

If you'd like to sign up you can go here:

If you decide to participate in the webinar I'm going to answer all of these questions (and more) in great detail:

  • Does The Black List work?
  • Does InkTip work?
  • Which screenwriting contests should you enter?
  • Does Virtual Pitch Fest work?
  • Can you really sell a script through Stage 32?
  • Do online pitchfests like The Happy Writers work?
  • Can you really sell a screenplay to a producer you met on Craig's List?
  • Do query letters work? If so, how?
  • Is cold calling production companies a viable method to selling your screenplay?
  • We all know networking is a great way to market your screenplay, but what's the best way to network and find real producers who are looking for material?
  • How can you leverage social media to get your screenplay read?

I've personally used all of these marketing channels and I'm going to give you my unfiltered opinion about them. In many cases my opinion isn't something I would ever say in a public podcast, that's for sure!

To sign up please go here:

If you have any questions or comments please let me know.

Ashley Scott Meyers